Great Vault - PVP Cap Tracker

Great Vault - PVP Cap Tracker


Tracks weekly pvp vault unlocks, visible when the vault window (or pvp tab) is open.

Also shows (turn off from custom options if not needed):

*Conquest + conquest possible to earn

*Catalyst charges

*Sparks of Life quest

*Solo Shuffle, 2v2, 3v3, RBG rating (for a new character, opening pvp queue window is sometimes needed to save these)

Characters need to be logged onto once to add them to the list. Any characters not logged onto in over 30 days are automatically removed.

Purple cap value means the character has not been logged onto in the current reset (so data is out of date).

Macro for toggling vault window:

/run function gv() LoadAddOn("Blizzard_WeeklyRewards")local gvf=WeeklyRewardsFrame if gvf:IsVisible()then gvf:Hide()else gvf:Show()end end gv()

tags: arena conquest weekly honor cap, rating