Lists your mythic+ runs on the Great Vault and the Group Finder, with an option to open the vault by mod-clicking minimap Covenant icon.
Code forked from timtimtim's Weekly M+ Tracker
Their code inspired by Latok's Mythic+ Vault Loot
Major differences:
text background
uses shortnames
fixes the "runs by dungeon" sort (by dungeon id)
colors the two headers with the current player's class
keeps last week shown until you choose your reward
anchored to both the Great Vault UI and the Group Finder (ignores position settings, option to disable)
hold alt, ctrl, or shift when clicking your covenant icon to open the vault (option to disable)
option to view entire season history (API returns up to the last 81 runs)
NOTE: The API can only show current week or all season runs, so current week is saved within this aura's table, then shown to you after weekly reset. This means the list will not show the current week if you still have a reward to choose. This also means you will not see any previous week data if you install this aura in the time frame between reset and choosing your reward. As long as this aura runs before a reset and you /reload or correctly exit the game, it will have previous week data to show.
As a side note, this aura doesn't "record" runs, they are pulled from the Blizzard API. For EU players, there have been cases where the API has switched weeks on Tuesday. There's really no easy way to prevent that.