Guardian Druid Tracker


This is a collection of 21 auras:

powerBarDruid Rage (progresstexture)

powerBarDruid Energy (progresstexture)

powerBarDruid Mana (progresstexture)

powerBackground (progresstexture)

powerNumber (text)

powerNumberMax (text)

ironfur Background (progresstexture)

ironfur Bars (aurabar)

ironfur %p (text)

armor info (text)

mark of ursol Background (progresstexture)

mark of ursol (aurabar)

mark of ursol %p (text)

pulverizeBackground (progresstexture)

Pulverize Timer (progresstexture)

Pulverize Timer Pandemic (progresstexture)

Pulverize Timer Text (text)

Thrash 1 (icon)

No Pulverize (text)

Rage 45 (aurabar)

Rage 90 (aurabar)