Halondrus Bombmanagement Helper (Volatile Charges, mythic)

Halondrus Bombmanagement Helper (Volatile Charges, mythic)


MRT note should not contain marks that are unrelated to the WA

Don't pre-mark players with their assigned mark

Make sure you use version 1.0.6 or higher before reporting issues

Inspired by Reloe's WA that he made for liquid.

Everyone in the raid needs assist so they can mark themselves upon picking up a bomb.

The mark they apply to themselves is equal to the assigned mark.

I think it's pretty selfexplanatory.

Green = Person that currently holds the bomb

Red = Bomb was dropped, displays next person to pick it up

Glow = you're the one who has to pick it up next

There is also a condition for "iamHolding" if you need it…