Highly configurable and easy to use.
By default, the weakaura is configured to be used on Grong the Revanant, but can be changed by following the guide in the "Custom Options" tab
The weakaura currently has the following highly configurable elements:
Up to 10 configurable steps in the rotation (will reset once it exceeds the limit)
Up to two text fields per step in the rotation
Two configurable icons with a dropdown menu for each icon option
The option to seperate the two textfields and icons into two seperate lines
Name-detecting notifications
1) "In what order will it be displayed?"
a) {Text1} {icon1} (seperator if toggled on} {Text2} {Icon2}
2) "i'm trying to use it for a different boss, but doesn't show up?"
a) Check if the encounter ID in the "Load" tab matches with the encounter you are trying to use it for
3) "i want to assign notification setting myself, how do i do this?"
a) Go to Versions on this page and select v.1.2.8-6,
If you have any questions or suggestions about the weakaura or have special requests regarding new aditions to this weakaura, do not hesitate to either comment on this page or contact me directly:
Discord: Fromm#8063
Bnet: flazhbang#2450
Currently testing the ability to draw information from angry assignments or ExRT notes, meaning completely automated setup
----TO DO LIST----
*Further compression
*Expanded customizability