Need help overlapping your healing cooldowns? This is the weakaura for you.
Healing Cooldowns:
Evoker - Rewind
Evoker - Emerald Communion
Monk - Life Cocoon
Monk - Revival
Monk - Restoral
Monk - Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane
Monk - Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent
Druid - Tranquillity
Druid - Flourish
Druid - Incarnation: Tree of Life
Priest - Pain Suppression
Priest - Power Word: Barrier
Priest - Power Infusion
Priest - Divine Hymn
Priest - Guardian Spirit
Priest - Lightwell
Priest - Holy Word Salvation
Priest - Apotheosis
Priest - Evangelism
Priest - Symbol of Hope
Shaman - Healing Tide Totem
Shaman - Spirit Link Totem
Shaman - Ancestral Protection Totem
Shaman - Ascendance
Shaman - Healing Tide Totem
Shaman - Mana Tide Totem
Paladin - Aura Mastery
Paladin - Lay on Hands
Paladin - Avenging Wrath
Paladin - Blessing of Protection
Raid Utilities:
Utilities - Vampiric Embrace
Utilities - Earthen Wall Totem
Utilities - Rallying Cry
Utilities - Darkness
Utilities - Force of Nature
Bloodlust - Time Warp
Bloodlust - Heroism
Bloodlust - Bloodlust
Bloodlust - Primal Rage
Bloodlust - Fury of the Aspects
Battle Ress - Rebirth
Battle Ress - Raise Ally
Battle Ress - Soulstone
Battle Ress - Intercession
Battle Ress - Arclight Vital Correctors
Found a bug? Want to give some feedback? I'm only one whisper away.
/w Fåken-TarrenMill
/w Föraktlig-TarrenMill
Checkout my other WeakAura:
Mythic+ Auto Marking :
Change log:
10 sept 2019 - Added a new settings interface, Added BfA Essence spells
29 aug - Fixed the duration on Tree of Life (Druid)
29 aug - Added target on Guardian Spirit (Priest), Pain Suppression (Priest)
28 aug - Added Tree of Life(Druid), Evangelism(Priest), Apotheosis(Priest)
28 aug - Added support to see a sample when inside the WA options
This is a collection of 1 auras:
Text_healer_cooldowns (text)