Healthstone/Abyssal Healing Potion Display

Healthstone/Abyssal Healing Potion Display


You might have to adjust your Frame Strata in display, depending on your raidframes. It's default set to DIALOG but some raidframe addons might be using a higher frame strata and thus the weakaura will be "under" your raidframes

This Weakaura will display the number of available Healthstone and Healing Potions of everyone in the raid, anchored to their raidframe.

Default position is top right, you can adjust the offset/anchor position in display.

Taking a combat ress will NOT reset healthstone cd as that depends on how long the person was out of combat etc. so thats annoying to do.

You'll see a preview on your own frame to possibly adjust position/size etc. when in WA options and selecting the Aura.