Horde Racials - All in One WA

Horde Racials - All in One WA


All Horde racials in one light WA, not a Dynamic group.

When a Horde Racial ability is used, if it has an active effect it'll be displayed, afterwards it'll show the cooldown, once off CD the weak aura will disappear.


-Arcane Pulse (Nightborne Elf)

-Arcane Torrent (Blood Elf)

-Bag of Tricks (Vulpera) UwU

-Berserking (Troll)

-Blood Fury (Orc)

-Bull Rush (Highmountain Tauren)

-Cannibalize/Will of the Forsaken (Undead)

-Quaking Palm (Huojin Pandaren)

-Rocket Barrage/Rocket Jump (Goblin)

-Warstomp (Tauren)