Hunter Complete HUD for BfA

Hunter Complete HUD for BfA


Hunter Weakaura HUD with little target-guy graphic in center that changes depending on what debuff you have active, and changes according to other procs too. I made space for all of the usable PvP talents. Still a bit of a WiP, let me know if there are any issues. Should be completley compatible with new hunter skills and ready for Battle for Azeroth.

Tenacity Pet (texture)

Cunning Pet (texture)

Ferocity Pet (texture)

dudebro (texture)

no mark (text)

debuff timer (text)

crows (progresstexture)

sting (progresstexture)

dude bg (texture)

crit buff (texture)

T6 Talent Effect (model)

hunters mark (model)

Trap Tracker (icon)

Misdirect (icon)

Rapid Fire (icon)

Arcane Shot (icon)

Multi-Shot (icon)

Lock And Load (icon)

Aimed Shot (icon)

Serpent Sting (icon)

Explosive Shot (icon)

Piercing Shot (icon)

DoubleTap (icon)

Trueshot Counter (text)

Trueshot Animation (model)

Trueshot (icon)

Feign Death (icon)

Counter Shot (icon)

Scatter Shot (icon)

Viper Sting (icon)

Roar of Sacrifice (icon)

Spider Sting (icon)

Sniper Shot (icon)

Hi-Explosive Trap (icon)

Freezing Trap (icon)

Tar Trap (icon)

Bursting Shot (icon)

Aspect of the Turtle (icon)

Exhileration (icon)

Primal Rage (icon)

Master's Call (icon)

Survival of the Fittest (icon)

Aspect of the Cheetah (icon)

Binding Shot (icon)

Disengage (icon)

Camouflage (icon)

marker (texture)

bg (texture)

Focus Bar (aurabar)

Focus (text)

GCD Bar (aurabar)