Hunter / Fokus WA

Hunter / Fokus WA


This is a collection of 31 auras:

Bullseye (icon)

Windburst (icon)

Windburst CD (icon)

trueshot (icon)

trueshot CD (icon)

Trueshot up (icon)

Marking Targets (icon)

True aim on (icon)

Lock and load (icon)

Lock and load off (icon)

Trick shot on (icon)

Trick shot off (icon)

Vulnerable on (icon)

Explosive shot (icon)

Explosive shot CD (icon)

Counter Shot 2 (icon)

Counter Shot CD (icon)

crows (icon)

crows CD (icon)

Volley on (icon)

Volley off (icon)

Aspect of the cheetah (icon)

Aspect of the cheetah CD (icon)

disengage (icon)

disengage CD (icon)

Focus BG (aurabar)

Focus Sidewinders (aurabar)

Focus Current (aurabar)

Focus Aimed Shot (aurabar)

Focus Text 2 (text)

Focus Text 3 (text)