Complete Hunter interface. Usable for PvE and PvP in TBC. Aimed towards PvP therefore no Volley and Misdirection.
Spells change according to spec: BM, Survival or MM.
Includes (top to bottom):
- Cast Bar
- Auto Shot bar
- GCD bar
- Melee swing bar
- Ranged indicator (melee, weave, range, out of range)
- Spells
- Icons for Mend Pet and Feed Pet
Auto Shot bar functions:
- Shows best rotation to use (disabled in PvP)
- The white arrow changes position dynamically according to Attack Speed. When the white arrow is between the two middle red lines it indicates that you should use a 1:1 rotation (disabled in PvP)
- Middle text displays previous Auto Shot delay/clipping
- Current and total Auto Shot cast time
- Red line on the right side to indicate Auto Shot cast start time. Stand still before cast bar reaches the red bar and if possible start queueing Steady Shot here.
- Shows remaining arrows below 1000
Spell icon functions top bar:
- Shows current aspect
- Warning for no aspect
- Visual + sound warning for dazed player, pet, party member from Aspect of the Cheetah or Pack
- Pet missing (glows in combat)
- Range/mana color indicator for all spells
- Queueing Raptor Strike enables yellow border (like Blizzard interface)
- Hunter's Mark will glow if it's missing in combat
Spell icon functions 2nd and 3rd bar:
- Dynamic icon for Silencing Shot / Bestial Wrath / Wyvern Sting
- Dynamic icon for Scatter Shot / Intimidation
- Intimidation shows buff duration on pet
- Dynamic button for deterrence / Haste potion
Credits to Shakawatha for TBC Hunter Castbar:
Credits to Saji for Hunter Rotation Helper w/ Attack Speed:
Credits to Red Alert for Ultimate Range Check [minimal] TBC:
PS: Screenshots were made as MM, hence the slow Attack Speed