Hunter UI with spells (all specs)

Hunter UI with spells (all specs)


Complete Hunter interface. Usable for PvE and PvP in TBC. Aimed towards PvP therefore no Volley and Misdirection.

Spells change according to spec: BM, Survival or MM.

Includes (top to bottom):

- Cast Bar

- Auto Shot bar

- GCD bar

- Melee swing bar

- Ranged indicator (melee, weave, range, out of range)

- Spells

- Icons for Mend Pet and Feed Pet

Auto Shot bar functions:

- Shows best rotation to use (disabled in PvP)

- The white arrow changes position dynamically according to Attack Speed. When the white arrow is between the two middle red lines it indicates that you should use a 1:1 rotation (disabled in PvP)

- Middle text displays previous Auto Shot delay/clipping

- Current and total Auto Shot cast time

- Red line on the right side to indicate Auto Shot cast start time. Stand still before cast bar reaches the red bar and if possible start queueing Steady Shot here.

- Shows remaining arrows below 1000

Spell icon functions top bar:

- Shows current aspect

- Warning for no aspect

- Visual + sound warning for dazed player, pet, party member from Aspect of the Cheetah or Pack

- Pet missing (glows in combat)

- Range/mana color indicator for all spells

- Queueing Raptor Strike enables yellow border (like Blizzard interface)

- Hunter's Mark will glow if it's missing in combat

Spell icon functions 2nd and 3rd bar:

- Dynamic icon for Silencing Shot / Bestial Wrath / Wyvern Sting

- Dynamic icon for Scatter Shot / Intimidation

- Intimidation shows buff duration on pet

- Dynamic button for deterrence / Haste potion

Credits to Shakawatha for TBC Hunter Castbar:

Credits to Saji for Hunter Rotation Helper w/ Attack Speed:

Credits to Red Alert for Ultimate Range Check [minimal] TBC:

PS: Screenshots were made as MM, hence the slow Attack Speed