All-in-one hunter frames including:
- Primary rotation tracker for all 3 specs.
- CGD tracker
- Unit frames for player, target, targetoftarget, and pet
- Dynamic class colorization for all unit frames
- Right-click menu for all unit frames.
- Mend Pet tracker
- Pet Debuff tracker
- Raid markers
- Auto Shot Timer
- Cast bars
- Range Check (melee vs range)
- Cooldown trackers
- Auto Tracking of target type
- Elite/Rare markers
Known Issues:
- The WA team has decided that right-click-context menus for auras are worthy of an annoying message sent to your chat. Why a warning is displayed for enabling the player, target, and pet right-click menu on these auras is beyond me. By following the links outputted to chat by Weakauras you are greeted with rambling about their taints. If you are as disinterested in reading about their taint as I am, you can fix this problem by commenting out ("--") lines 39 and 40 of Aurawarnings.lua.