Ignore Pain Tracker [Bar]

Ignore Pain Tracker [Bar]


This shows how much absorption you have from Ignore Pain in progress bar format, where a filled bar indicates you have reached or surpassed the max amount of absorption you can get from Ignore Pain at a time. Note that this does not show the duration of the Ignore Pain buff; there are so many other ways to represent this information, so it is not included.

See below for a detailed list of all of the variables that can be plugged into the "Conditions" and "Display" text fields. You can then refer to the existing conditions and display texts (see screenshots) as examples of how to personalize everything.

    ["currentAbsorb"] = "number",
        -- The amount of absorption currently active on the player from Ignore
        -- Pain, taken from the Ignore Pain buff tooltip, or 0 if the buff is
        -- absent.
        -- This is an alias of 'value'.

    ["castAbsorb"] = "number",
        -- The additional amount of absorption that Ignore Pain would give if
        -- cast right now.  This is equal to the value in the Ignore Pain spell
        -- tooltip, increased by the Never Surrender multiplier, if applicable.
        -- Note that this value does not factor in the absorption cap.  To see
        -- how much "real" absorption would be added with the absorption cap
        -- factored in, see 'additionalAbsorbOnCast'.

    ["absorbCap"] = "number",
        -- Formula: 'castAbsorb * 2'
        -- The max amount of absorbtion that the player can build up right now.
        -- If 'currentAbsorb' is greater than 'absorbCap', then a re-cast would
        -- refresh the duration on Ignore Pain but would not change
        -- 'currentAbsorb'.
        -- This is an alias of 'total'.

    ["percentOfCap"] = "number",
        -- Formula: 'currentAbsorb / absorbCap * 100'

    ["percentOfMaxHp"] = "number",
        -- Formula: 'currentAbsorb / UnitHealthMax("player") * 100'

    ["additionalAbsorbOnCast"] = "number",
        -- Formula: 'math.min(math.max(0, absorbCap - currentAbsorb), castAbsorb)'
        -- The amount of absorption that would be added to 'currentAbsorb' if
        -- the player were to cast Ignore Pain right now.

    ["castBenefitPercent"] = "number",
        -- Formula: 'additionalAbsorbOnCast / castAbsorb * 100'
        -- The percentage amount of 'castAbsorb' that the player would benefit
        -- from if he/she were to cast Ignore Pain right now.

Inspired by https://wago.io/IgnorePainTracker