This WeakAura is no longer being maintained (I had to quit WoW). Feel free to copy/reupload.
This WeakAura displays your current Ignore Pain absorb amount (and more via the available options), and also lets you know if you are going to cap your Ignore Pain by casting it.
The color of the text for the remaining absorb amount will change depending on if the next cast of Ignore Pain will provide full absorb, partial absorb, or no absorb.
- White: Your next Ignore Pain cast will grant its full absorb amount.
- Yellow: Your next Ignore Pain cast will grant a portion of its absorb amount.
- Red: Your next Ignore Pain cast will cause you to gain no absorb amount.
Additionally, this WeakAura is "smart" about how it determines whether or not an Ignore Pain cast should be considered a full cast. By default, an Ignore Pain cast that will grant 80% of its absorb or more is considered a full cast. Inversely, an Ignore Pain cast that will grant less than 20% of its absorb is considered a capped (red) cast. This threshold percentage is adjustable in Custom Options.
++User Options++
To change this WeakAuars options, go to Custom Options tab in this WeakAura's settings. If you need clarification or are not sure if you can make it look a certain way please leave a comment and I'll do my best to help you out! If you're not sure what these options do or what to change, the default options are recommended.
++WeakAuras Options++
There are additional ways you can customize this WeakAura with the built-in WeakAuras settings. You can change pretty much whatever you want. As long as you don't remove/change any of the custom code you should be fine.
There is one exception to the above. If you move/reorder the Text 1/Text 2 sub elements under the Display tab, the text coloring will break.
Here are some examples of some commonly requested features that you can implement yourself via the options:
- Display remaining duration - In the Display tab under text, you can replace the "%c2" with "%p", for example, if you want to display the remaining duration on Ignore Pain. In the same vein, feel free to change text position, size, color, etc, as you see fit.
- "Text only mode" - If you only want the color changing text and not the icon/graphics, in the Display tab uncheck "Enable Swipe" and set the color under "Icon Settings" to be fully transparent (change the alpha to 0).
- Only show when you have Ignore Pain up - To completely hide the WeakAura when you don't have Ignore Pain up, go to the Trigger tab, Trigger 1, scroll down, and change "Always" to "Aura(s) Found".
Again, feel free to mess around with the various options.