In-Game App Friend List

In-Game App Friend List


In-game overlay for the battlenet app friend list, providing an easy way to initiate whispers / invites.

Custom options tab gives a choice between showing all friends or only those currently logged in WoW, as well as showing only those friends set as favorites in the battlenet app. For friends currently logged in WoW, shows info about the character including name, level (if not max), class, server and in game location. Left clicking a friend's icon will initiate a battlenet whisper towards that person, while right clicking will attempt to invite that person in group (the invite will obviously fail if the player is not currently logged in WoW, or is logged on a character of the opposing faction). By default the aura will not load while in a raid group or in mythic plus (can be changed in load tab). By default the list grows upwards (can be changed in group tab).

NOTE 1: Left click to whisper might not function properly if both you and your friend are using real IDs instead of battletags.

NOTE 2: If the aura is set to show all friends and nonetheless some of them don't appear in the list you have to create more children in the group by right clicking on one of them, selecting "duplicate" and naming the new child with the next number in ascend (up to a maximum of children equal to your total battlenet contacts).