Displays "Innervate " on your screen for 3sec after being whispered for Innervate.

How to use it:

○ Import this WA (and the sound files if you wish, not required).

○ Assign a "buddy" or don't, it's okay. (Takes some micromanagement on your end).

○ Someone whispers you "innervate" "innervate me" or "innv" and it will pop up text for 3sec.

○ WeakAuras will respond via whisper with "Innervate ready" or tell them the remaining cooldown.

○ Press your Innervate.

Spam Control:

○ You can assign a single player to be your "buddy." The text will only display if your buddy whispers you for Innervate.

○ Text will only pop up on your screen if you Innervate is off cooldown.

How to assign buddy: (Actions -> OnInit -> aura_env.buddy = nil)

○ Change nil to "Buddyname" :: aura_env.buddy = "Jimmy"

○ Note the "string" format, you need the "quotation marks."

If you don't assign a buddy:

○ Spam protection still active, only works if Innervate is available.

○ Anyone can whisper you for Innervate, and it will pop up. (Does not detect player spec.)

Sound Files:

○ Can be turned on/off on Actions: OnInit

○ 3rd party files required (I made them myself).

○ Spam protection: Will only play a file once until Text is hidden.