Ironskin Brew Bar

Ironskin Brew Bar


Ironskin Brew Main Bar (aurabar)

1/3 Mark (texture)

2/3 Mark (texture)

Ironskin Brew tracker in the form of a progress bar. It has a maximum duration of 24 seconds, so if you have relics with the "Potent Kick" trait, you will need to add that value under "Display" on the main bar.

Furthermore, the 1/3 and 2/3 mark's are placed manually and re-sizing the bar will mess their positioning up. To manually replace them can be a little diffcult and involves some math if you want to place them correctly. Unless someone is unable to figure this out themselves I won't provide the information, as I think it would probably confuse more than it would help for the most part.

If someone figures out a way to have the 1/3 and 2/3 Marks be dynamic depending on the bar width etc. Feel free to hit me up so I can incorporate it in the weakaura.