ironskin brew (no sound and/or custom sound) v1.0.0

ironskin brew (no sound and/or custom sound) v1.0.0


ironskin brew by jdpb29 refresh reminder with changing colors at 3 seconds remaining for refresh. I edited the code to take out the sound. if you want to add a sound you can paste

"property": "sound",

"value": {

"sound": "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\Idiot.ogg",

"sound_type": "Play",

"sound_channel": "Master"


on lines 112-117 of the editor in between the "{}" on line 111 by pressing enter in the middle of them and then pasting the code on the aforementioned lines and change the "idiot.ogg" to the sound file you have in you Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds folder. Then copy the new import string at the top of the editor.