Item Tracker

Item Tracker


A WeakAura to help you track your progress in collecting several of one item. To setup adjust the "Item ID", "Goal", and "Trigger" in the group's Custom Options.


- A progress bar to track how close you are to your goal!

- An animation that plays each time you loot the item!

- Automated reporting of this progress to guild/party chat when someone types a specified keyword!

Custom Options:

- Item ID: The ID number of the item to be tracked.

- Goal: The target amount of this item that you are trying to collect.

- Trigger: The keyword that when seen in party/guild chat will announce your progress in the respective chat.

- Toggles to choose whether this announcer is enabled for Guild Chat, Party Chat, and as Party Leader (all enabled by default).

By default the aura is setup to track Dreadfang Venom Sacs (Item ID = 25802), and report the number into party/guild chat whenever someone types the Trigger word "!sacs". The target Goal is 1224, the number of sacs required to reach Neutral from Hated with Aldor as a Human.


I would like to acknowledge the "Silithid Carapace Fragment - !frags" WeakAura by chrises ( I used the item reporting from that WeakAura as a starting point for this one.