Note : While the bossX unitid has been added for ICC, it seems to only work for some specific encounters. I'll update the WA to ensure that we can get boss frames for the bosses which do not have that unitid.
This WA creates 3 clickable frames that can be used to target NPCs on bosses. It was created as a way to more easily track and switch between different targets for multidoting, but can also be used as a way to monitor the state of the boss and target it more easily. It also supports binding spells to clicks and modifiers.
A few notes :
- Because the boss unit frames do not exist yet in WotLK classic, the targeting is done through /target macros, which means that this will only work with bosses that have different names. As an example this will not work on Anub'arak, as his adds share the same name so cannot be differentiated.
- As the bossX UnitID does not exist yet, these frames are not linked to a specific unit and cannot be used with mouseover macros.
- In order to set up the frames before entering the fight, this WeakAura checks when you change subzone and will activate itself when you go to specific zones. This is done by checking the name of the zone and is as such dependant on your client language. Currently, the following languages are supported :
- English
- French
- Chinese
- German
- Russian
- Korean
- As indicated above, this is not a generic WA that will activate itself on every single boss, but only on specific ones :
- Target dummies zone in Ironforge & Undercity
- Sartharion
- 4HM
- All Ulduar Bosses (Can be enabled on non-multidot bosses)
- Blood Council
- Putricide
- As the frames are clickable, they are Secured meaning they cannot be modified during the fight. This means that they will be enabled before the fight starts, and will not change/disappear during it, even if you change phase or if the unit it tracks dies. This is an API limitation.
- It currently only tracks the following :
- Corruption
- Immolate
- Unstable Affliction
- Curse Of Agony/Doom
- Shadow Embrace
- Haunt
- Living Bomb
- Pyroblast
- Flame Shock
- Vampiric Touch
- Shadow Word: Pain
- Devouring Plague
- Insect Swarm
- Moonfire
- Faerie Fire
- Serpent Sting
- Hunter's Mark
- Black Arrow
- Explosive Shot
- Frost Fever
- Blood Plague
Video of (terrible) multidoting using this WA :
Known issues
- I don't see anything after importing the WA
- The WA is only enabled in specific zones. You can go to the Undercity/Ironforge target dummies to test it.
- Despite being near the target dummies, I can't see the frames
- The WA relies on the Zone name to be able to detect when you enter a boss room. This means that it needs the Localized name of each zone to be able to useable in a language. Please check above which languages are currently supported. If yours isn't present, then that is what is causing the issue. I can add extra languages, but will require you to provide me with the translated strings (see Localization section below).
- After importing the WA, I can see the frames but cannot select targets clicking on them.
- This can happen when the WA is first imported. Try a /reload ui which should ensure the frames get properly set.
- My frames are working, but using the alternative skin, I randomly get some very big icons
- This issue appears to be cause by an interaction between Masque and Weakauras. It can happen when Masque is set to skin some WA frames but is disabled for this WA's icons. It can be avoided by enabling the Masque skinning on those icons (possibly with the default Blizzard Skin if you don't want any visual change)
As Indicated above, only a limited set of languages are currently supported. If you need this WeakAura to be localized to your language, that can be done, however I will need you to provide me the translated names of the zones and the NPCs so that they can be added to the addon.
The zones (Can be printed to the chat using the command
/run print(GetSubZoneText())
):- "War Quarter" (Target dummy zone in undercity)
- "The Great Forge" (Target dummy zone in ironforge)
- "The Obsidian Sanctum" (Sarthartion)
- "The Horsemen's Assembly" (The 4 Horsemen's room)
- "The Assembly of Iron" (Iron council room)
- "The Shattered Walkway" (Kologarn room)
- "The Conservatory of Life" (Freya room)
- "The Spark of Imagination" (Mimiron room)
- "Putricide's Laboratory of Alchemical Horrors and Fun" (Putricide's room)
- "The Crimson Hall" (Blood Council's room)
Other Ulduar boss rooms to use the WA as a boss frame :
- "Formation Grounds" (Flame Leviathan's room)
- "The Colossal Forge" (Ignis' room)
- "Razorscale's Aerie" (Razorscale's room)
- "The Scrapyard" (XT's room)
- "The Celestial Planetarium" (Algalon's room)
- "The Observation Ring" (Auriaya's room)
- "The Halls of Winter" (Hodir's room)
- "The Clash of Thunder" (Thorim's room)
- "The Descent into Madness" (Vezax's room)
- "The Prison of Yogg-Saron" (Yogg's room)
The NPCs (Can be printed to the chat using the command /run print(UnitName("target"))
while targeting the NPC):
Undercity/Ironforge training dummies :
- "Heroic Training Dummy"
- "Grandmaster's Training Dummy"
- "Expert's Training Dummy"
Sartharion Encounter Bosses :
- "Tenebron"
- "Shadron"
- "Vesperon"
The 4 Horsemen Bosses :
- "Baron Rivendare"
- "Thane Korth'azz"
- "Lady Blaumeux"
The Iron Council :
- "Stormcaller Brundir"
- "Runemaster Molgeim"
- "Steelbreaker"
The Kologarn encounter :
- "Left Arm"
- "Kologarn"
- "Right Arm"
The Freya adds that need to be killed at the same time :
- "Snaplasher"
- "Storm Lasher"
- "Ancient Water Spirit"
Mimiron's P4 :
- "Aerial Command Unit"
- "VX-001"
- "Leviathan Mk II"
Putricide's encounter :
- "Volatile Ooze"
- "Professor Putricide"
- "Gas Cloud"
Blood council encounter :
- "Prince Taldaram"
- "Prince Keleseth"
- "Prince Valanar"
Other Ulduar bosses where this WA can be used as a boss frame :
- "Flame Leviathan"
- "Ignis the Furnace Master"
- "Razorscale"
- "XT-002 Deconstructor"
- "Algalon the Observer"
- "Auriaya"
- "Hodir"
- "Thorim"
- "General Vezax"
- "Yogg-Saron"
Some extra frames for adds in Ulduar :
- "Life Spark"
- "XM-024 Pummeller"
- "Freya"
- "Assault Bot"
- "Crusher Tentacle"
- "Corruptor Tentacle"
- "Master's Training Dummy"
- "Feral Defender"
Some ToC bosses and zones to prepare T9:
- "Trial of the Crusader"
- "Gormok the Impaler"
- "Acidmaw"
- "Dreadscale"
- "Icehowl"
- "Lord Jaraxxus"
- "Nether Portal"
- "Infernal Volcano"
- "Fjola Lightbane"
- "Eydis Darkbane"
- "The Icy Depths"
- "Anub'arak"