Jimmer's Loot Manager

Jimmer's Loot Manager


Extends the functionality of the /loot window!

Made this mostly for myself so I can group loot in my pug runs and distribute items later without having to search my bags constantly + worry about expiring trade timers.

I tried to limit this weakaura's performance as much as possible during boss encounters and combat. This weakaura will almost do nothing during critical gameplay!


-Tracks items picked up per boss segment!

-Tracks 2h timers for boss segments, notifying when potential tradeables expire!

-Adds 3 buttons to the loot window:

-Link: Announces the oldest expiring item according to the time trackers

(Raidwarning>Raidchat>Party depending on your group situation)

-Trade: Picks up the oldest expiring item as if you were dragging it out of your inventory,

for easy trading

-Skip: Removes the oldest expiring item from the tracker (if you wanna keep it/ its BoE), that way the

2nd oldest item becomes the new target for linking/trading

-Logs boss segments and loot drops to a text channel

-Setup: Just create a text channel called "Loot" and reload, if you want a specific chat tab change the

tab name in the custom options!

-Supports Softres.it data in custom options to track softreserves! [NEW]

-Hooks into DBM if available:

-Can track vanilla and tbc encounters that do not fire encounter events via API

-Configs for:

-Item rarities

-Expiry warning threshold

-Timer update interval

-Association window (how long after a boss kill do picked up items get associated)

Regarding wago code alert:

This weakaura hooks to DBM's "AddMsg" function to track DBM's "Boss XY down after Z seconds" messages. This is done to be able to track legacy bosses that do not fire the ENCOUNTER event without having to reimplement DBM's tracking for those.

Made, with love, by Jimmr-Golemagg (formerly Jimmer-Mograine)