JT Arcane Mage

JT Arcane Mage


These are my custom Weak Auras for arcane mage for Season 1 of Shadowlands. These auras are made to work with the most common builds used by arcane mage at the moment.

I have lots of cool and unique WA's for functions I wanted from my weak auras.

Some of these features are as so:

1) Barrage Travel Time predictor

A small text number above the touch of the magi debuff WA that shows minimum time barrage will travel before hitting the target, a tool to help time barrages within magi)

2)Displacement/Ice Floes trackers built into Blink/Shimmer. (screenshots 2 and 3)

When you shimmer/blink a displacement icon shows over the blink icon showing you the time you have left to use displacement. This only shows if displacement is not on cooldown. Displacement's cooldown can be found in the bottom right corner of the blink weak aura.

Ice Floes is also tracked on the blink frame at the top. It shows how many charges you have and if you have 0 charges it shows you the cd for your next charge.

3) Concentration

A green texture will show around the clearcasting proc buff weak aura when you are buffed by concentration, meaning your next clearcasting will not be consumed.

4) Nether Tempest Tracker

A purple text beneath the arcane charge count shows "NONE" when no nether tempest is out, and a timer for nether tempest if one is out.

4) Barrage Fail

I have included a popular Barrage pass/fail weak aura.

5)Arcane Familiar Reminder

A large reminder if you do not have the arcane familiar buff with the talent selected.

6)Execute Notice

A small text reminder for when you the target is below 35% hp with Arcane's execute damage on barrage talent selected.