Karesho Brewmaster

Karesho Brewmaster


Brewmaster UI.

If you feel generous and would like to by me some bread THANK YOU. https://www.paypal.me/kareshwow

I will also work on other Tank UIs in same mindset and visuals. Next might be death knight with Death strike healing predection bar, as that is the most usefull I could see making right now.

I have meshed a few other auras together with some of my own to create BRM UI.

Thanks to:

https://wago.io/H1fYn1yUm/1 - GCD overlay by Zedski

https://wago.io/SJlqyD3cf/14 - "Brewmaster orb heal estimate, health, stagger and energy bar." by sigbear - Where i tried to use the UI but in the end only used dodge text. However thanks to this guy I have built UI in his mindset more on that later.

https://wago.io/SJLSOCRX7 - Ironskin Brew by Rizzxd

https://wago.io/SJxbCJPKQ - Brewmaster Energy (maximizing Keg Smash casts) by Naemesis. I am sorry The calculations are qute funky and I will get to it however, thanks to this guy i have made another mark that calculates if you can cast another keg smash more on that later

And of course, there would be no great Brew UI without

https://wago.io/koeTEcOYM/1 - Rivers Normalized Stagger - I have customized it a little for myself. Also I have added damage you take every second in % in the middle of the bar.

The center is Basic BRM rotation

Tiger Palm - There will be red glow if another tiger palm cast will delay Keg Smash

Breath of Fire - Red glow if target does not have Keg Smash debuff. Otherwise Yellow glow while not having cooldown.

Keg Smash - Yellow Glow while not having cooldown. When It is coming off cooldown a.k.a 1 second or less there will be blue glow.

Blackout Strike - Same as Keg Smash

Rushing Jade Wind - If it is off cooldown, there will be yellow glow. Counter - numbers and stopwatch animation overlay is for active buff.

Above are Brew charges

Below roation icons are as follow

Ironskin brew uptime by Rizzxd

Rivers Normalized Stagger

Health bar

Gift of ox prediciton bar - This bar fills in reverse to health bar and is only prediciton. Minimal healing of orbs. Does not show crits nor celestial fortune proc.

Energy bar by Naemesis.

All around are Utility and defensive Cooldowns.

I will also in the meantime update Racial Icon to show all races but as now, if you want your race one, just open /wa > find Karesho Brewamster > find Back of Tricks in the list > right click and duplicate > go to Trigger tab and change name to your racial

Transcendence - Gray out if not usable. if usable it will have yellow glow.