[Kink] ToEP HUD | Spell Modifiers | Corruption/Shadowburn Notifier | v1.0.1

Visual tracker of Talisman of Ephemeral Power.

-- Tracks cooldown, displaying plagueheart texture when trinket is ready and desaturates when on CD with time left.

-- Visual animation when the trinket is used, showing the total duration left of Ephemeral Power's buff with the duration changing colors as it progresses.

-- Sound/visual/chat alert when to apply corruption (toep just popped) and when to refresh corruption (toep about to expire)

Sound/Visual alert when to shadowburn:

-- if Nightfall/Shadow Vulnerability debuffs are up.

-- if we have Power infusion.

-- If we have Shadow Vulnerability and Toep.

-- If we have Nightfall and Toep.

-- If we have Toep, Nightfall and Shadow Vulnerability.

You need to download the Plagueheart tga texture file here:


Extract the plague folder to \Interface\plague

You have to completely close/reload your client when installing the texture and audio files.