Korrak's Revenge AFK Farming

Korrak's Revenge AFK Farming


The group includes weakaura to help improve leveling in Korrak's Revenge.

Included weakauras:

• Anti AFk Timer (Based on https://wago.io/C-FO1Kggp)

-Timer showing countdown until player is AFK

-Sound alerts at 40s, 28s and 15s to remind you to move

-Timer resets whenever player moves, successfully cast an abilty or jumps

-Shows players current Exp percentage and level (only updates when timer resets)

• Idle

-Tells you when you are being kicked from the battleground because you were reported AFK by players

-Sound alerts to let you know you need to get into pvp combat to not get removed from the battleground

-Shows timer for 120 secs while the "Inactive" or "Idle" debuffs are applied

• BG End

-Sound alerts every 15 secs when the battleground has ended to alert you to leave

• Start Alert

-Sound alert at the start of the battleground

• Kicked

-Sound alert to let you know you have been kicked