KRogueRTB - Roll the Bones Tracker

KRogueRTB - Roll the Bones Tracker


Roll the Bones tracker

+ Shows the remaining time in a progressbar.

+ Shows the different buffs as text, and colors the active ones in.

+ If the buffs are "good", the color will be green.

+ If the buffs are "bad", the color will be red, and you should reroll.

+ The buffs flash white if they are bad and RTB is off Cooldown, reminding you to reroll.

+ Temporary buffs from the Talent "Count the Odds" are shown (same color as the "main" buffs, but a bit translucent). Since they are so short, they do not influence the reroll rules/colors.

+ Follows the reroll rules at the bottom of this page.


+ In the custom options you can:

+ Set colors.

+ Set the vertical offset to the progressbar (use this to position the text under/above the progressbar).

+ Hide the progressbar if you only want the text.

+ Disable the flashing animation if you do not want it.

+ The buff text labels will always be as wide as the progressbar (KRogueRTBBar) so change the width for that.

+ To change the text size, you have to do it manually in every buff text.

+ To change flashing animation related settings, you have to do it manually in every buff text.

+ For the changes to take effect, you have to close/reopen the WeakAura window, or do a /reload

The font used in the picture is "Roboto Condensed Bold"

Reroll rules that are being followed for reference:

With Loaded Dice Buff active:

Bad Buffs:

any 1 or 2 buff combination that doesn't include Broadside, True Bearing or Skull and Crossbones.

Good Buffs:

everything else

Without Loaded Dice Buff active:

Bad Buffs:

1 buff: Grand Melee, Ruthless Precision, Buried Trasure

2 buff: Grand Melee + Buried Treasure

Good Buffs:

everything else