Kuku's Brewmaster Monk HUD

Kuku's Brewmaster Monk HUD


Spells and cooldowns for Brewmaster monks


  • Visible while in combat, hidden otherwise
  • Stagger bar always visible if any. HP bar always visible if < 90%
  • Spear Hand Strike glows when ready and target is casting an interruptible spell
  • Expel Harm glows when there are orbs and health is lesser than 40%

Purifying Brew sound alert

You may set a sound to be played 3 seconds before wasting cooldown on Purifying Brew or losing Purified Chi buff.

  1. search for the "KMBM Purifying Brew Alert" weakaura
  2. Click on the "Actions" tab
  3. Select the sound in the "On Show" section


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