Larry - Ashvane's Razor Coral

Larry - Ashvane's Razor Coral


Larry - Ashvane's Razor Coral

Tested under WeakAura 2.13.4

It helps players monitor the status of Ashvane's Razor Coral.

There are five states for this monitoring:

  1. When you have just equipped this trinket, it will display a gray cooling countdown.
  2. When trinket is ready, the action bar will be highlighted to remind you that it can be used.
  3. When the target (which can be a non-current target) has a coral debuff, the number of stacks of the debuff is displayed.
  4. When trinket is available again, it will use illuminating pixels to prompt you to get a critical hit buff.
  5. When you get a critical strike buff, display the remaining time and the critical level you have obtained.

I hope the above can help you. If you find this weakaura useful, please rate so others can access it more easily.

它可以帮助玩家监视 艾什凡的锋锐珊瑚 的状态。


  1. 当你刚装备珊瑚饰品时,将显示一个灰色的冷却倒计时。
  2. 当饰品准备好时,会使用动作条高亮提示你可以使用了。
  3. 当目标(可以是非当前目标)有珊瑚debuff时,显示debuff的层数。
  4. 当饰品再次可用时,会用发光像素来提示你可以获得爆击buff了。
  5. 当你获得爆击buff时,显示剩余时间和所获得的爆击等级。
