Original Weak Aura layout was created by Fuji, I modified the spells and repurposed the swing timer as a 5second rule bar.
For mages this tracks
Bottom Row (Left to right): Evocate + CD, Blink + CD, Blast Wave + CD, Mage Armor, Combustion + CD, Goblin Sapper Charge +CD, Trinket + CD
Middle Row: Mana Bar (+spell use calculation), 5 Second rule timer
Top Row (Left to right): Power Infusion (+ caster), On use trinket, Mana Barrier, Combustion Stacks (if active), Scorch Stacks (glow if > 5), Ignite Counter (+ caster), Intellect Missing Reminder
If you need help setting up message me in game: Laters - Fairbanks Alliance
Link to consume buff W/A: https://wago.io/WO89QeMrB