The Legendary Deck Tracker is likely to break with the 8.0 API changes. This late in the expansion it will not be updated.
Legendary Deck Tracker
This Weak Aura tracks how far you are through your "Deck of Cards" so that you can determine how likely your next spell is to proc your legendary item buff.
The Legendary deck tracker works for the following items:
-> Chameleons Song (Resto Druid - 3 procs - 20 card deck)
-> Chaos Theory (Havoc Demon Hunter - 2 procs - 20 card deck)
-> Doorway to Nowhere (Mistweaver Monk - 4 procs - 20 card deck)
-> Fire in the Deep (Resto Shaman - 3 procs - 20 card deck)
-> Inner Hallation (Disc Priest - 7 procs - 20 card deck)
-> The Alabaster Lady (Holy Priest - 3 procs - 20 card deck)
-> The Topless Tower (Holy Paladin - 2 procs - 20 card deck)
Sea Star of the Depthmother also uses the new Deck based RNG system and a weak aura for it can be found here:
Deck based RNG can only be tracked in raid combat. It will glow while your buff is active, and grey out when the deck is out of 'proc' cards. For any bugs or feature requests message Voulk#1858 on discord.
You can read about the new Deck-based RNG system here:
V1.1: Fixed an error that could appear when entering dungeons or raids.
V1.2: Demon Hunters now correctly draw cards while in Metamorphosis.