Updated for 7.2.5.
Everything is the same except I added a tracker for RJW uptime. It's in the center of the screen.
Some icons will change depending on what talent(s) you are using.
Icons will appear on the right side of Exploding Keg when Leg Sweep, Ring of Peace, Healing Elixirs, and Dampen Harm are on cooldown. They will disappear when usable.
This is a collection of 42 auras:
Energy Bar (aurabar)
Normalized Stagger (aurabar)
Fort Brew Buff (aurabar)
Exploding Keg rdy (icon)
Exploding Keg CD (icon)
RJW rdy (icon)
RJW CD (icon)
Niuzao rdy (icon)
Niuzao CD (icon)
Keg smash rdy (icon)
Keg smash CD (icon)
Blackout Combo (texture)
Blackout rdy (icon)
Blackout CD (icon)
fire breathe rdy (icon)
fire breathe CD (icon)
chi burst rdy (icon)
chi burst CD (icon)
Chi Wave rdy (icon)
Chi Wave CD (icon)
Leg Sweep rdy (icon)
Leg Sweep CD (icon)
Ring of Peace rdy (icon)
Ring of Peace CD (icon)
Dampen Harm rdy (icon)
Dampen Harm CD (icon)
Dampen Harm (aurabar)
Healing Elixir (icon)
Provoke rdy (icon)
Provoke CD (icon)
Spear Hand Strike Rdy (icon)
Spear Hand Strike CD (icon)
Roll (icon)
Tiger's Lust Rdy (icon)
Expel Harm (icon)
Roll 1 rdy (aurabar)
Roll 1 CD (aurabar)
Roll 2 Rdy (aurabar)
Roll 2 CD (aurabar)
Roll 3 Rdy (aurabar)
Roll 3 CD (aurabar)
Expel Harm Unavailable (icon)