LeoZan - Available Unspent Points // Profession Knowledge

LeoZan - Available Unspent Points // Profession Knowledge


Info section = Shows "unspent point" window below Profession window if got unspent profession knowledge point to spend and to be placed.

(testing fix) Glitch in the system found, fixing it soon!


Professions // Dragonflight

Shows an popup if you got Knowledge unspent!

Counts for items in and your


If you ever see me Cheer at me! - Please!

# LeoZan-Draenor (Horde) "Druid"

# Glaize-Ravencrest (Horde) "Monk"

# Hatie-Ravencrest (Alliance) "Evoker"

# Murazon-Draenor (Horde) "Warlock"

# Hellsinner-Frostmane (Horde) "Paladin"

Herb OK

Mining OK

Engineering OK

Alchemy OK

Jewelcrafting OK

Special Thanks given to:

# Lightja