This fixes BLIZZARD broken Raid & Dungeon Difficulty Display (IS THIS HC OR NORMAL?)
Shows LFR/Nm/Hc/My/M+
Remember to Keep WA Updated!:
This WoW Addon will prompt you in-game when new update been released!
Attached to Blizzard Default Minimap
Since Blizzard "Difficulty" is broken i made this WA!
Should show LFR/NM/HC/MY when entered the DG/Raid!
Created to load for specificly situations
# Normal
# Heroic
# Mythic
# Mythic Keystone (M+) - New!
If you ever see me Cheer at me! - Please!
# LeoZan-Draenor (Horde) "Druid"
# Glaize-Ravencrest (Horde) "Monk"
# Hatie-Ravencrest (Alliance) "Evoker"
# Murazon-Draenor (Horde) "Warlock"
# Hellsinner-Frostmane (Horde) "Paladin"
Did i miss any modes for Raid/Dungeon?
# Normal
# Heroic
# Mythic
Something Not loading or getting funky?
WRITE A COMMENT! explain it so i can fix it! (only accepting IMGUR picture links)