Licious Debuff Tracker [ElvUI recommended]

Licious Debuff Tracker [ElvUI recommended]


Shows all the available raid debuffs just below your ElvUI target frame. It ALSO announces if certain debuffs fall of in raid chat, but this feature is only active for boss level targets.

Check out the WA in action over at my Youtube channel or on my Twitch channel

If you want to disable the raid announces go to the "Conditions" Tab of the debuff you don't want to announce any longer, then open Condition 3 and change the "-1" to "-2". Vice versa if you wish to activate an announce.

You don't need ElvUI for this weakaura to work, but it won't be ankored if you don't. In that case click on the WA folder (Debuff Tracker), click on the "Group" tab, scroll down to the section called "Position Settings" and in the drop down choose to anchor it to "Screen/Parent Group". Then you can position it as you normally would with any WA.

Note: The crit debuff tracker assumes that deadly poison on the boss means there is an assa rogue in the raid providing that debuff. If your raid only has combat rogues it will display as active even tho they don't have the talent for it. I didnt find a way to work around this.