Port of https://wago.io/8ygOOkv7s for Wotlk Classic
Description written by Viserio
Dependencies for Shamans/Paladins/Druids: LibClassicInspector, LibDetours-1.0.
Tags "Melee","Ranged" will not be displayed for Shaman/Paladin/Druid classes without these libraries present!
You can get the libraries as part of TacoTip addon by kebabstorm.
Liquid/Viserio MRT Timers
To display Spells and Text Reminders.
Supports text-to-speech to voice displayed reminders.
Using timers made with Viserios spreadsheet, and the in game MethodRaidTools(MRT) Note.
Spell and Text reminders
Spell Reminders
Shows anything assigned as an icon
Viserio {spell:246287}
Text Reminders
Shows everything inside of the text formatting
Viserio {text} texthere {/text}
Each will show a prompt to the assigned person.
The formatting is done automatically in the spreadsheet.
{time:01:10}BosscastOne - |cffffffffViserio|r {spell:246287}
Will show a Spell Reminder with an icon(evangelism) to Viserio.
{time:02:20}BosscastTwo - |cffffffffViserio|r {text} go right! {/text}
Will show a message to Viserio that has the text “go right!”
{time:03:30}BosscastThree - |cffffffffViserio|r {text} go to {triangle} {/text}
Will show a message to Viserio that has the text “go to {triangle}”, with {triangle} showing as a triangle icon.
Custom Options
Enable Shared Note
Allows the WA to read the Shared note
Enable Personal Note
Allows the WA to read the Private note
Include spell name for icons
For Spell Reminders includes the name of the spell in text, next to the icon
Include spell name for text
For Text Reminders includes the name of the spell in text, next to the icon (not recommended)
TTS for Icons
Plays text-to-speech when Spell Reminder shows up
TTS for Text
Plays text-to-speech when Text Reminder shows up
Default Duration
The duration the WA is visible.
Ie. 10 seconds will show the weakaura counting down 10 seconds before the assigned event.
Hide LibClassicInspector warning
Hides warning messages about missing dependecy libraries
Bonus tags
Can be used instead of the name in an assignment.
Must be written exactly as shown.
All players in the raid
Players with selected role as a tank
Players with selected role as a healer
Players with selected role as a damager
Melee players with selected role as a damager
Ranged players with selected role as a damager
Equal to {role:damager} + {role:healer}
Equal to {role:damager} + {role:tank}
Equal to {role:tank} + {role:healer}
Equal to {role:tank} + {role:healer} + {role:rangedDamager}
Equal to {role:tank} + {role:healer} + {role:meleeDamager}
All melee players including damagers and tanks
All ranged players including damagers and healers
Players in raid group 1
Players in raid group 8
Yes, the formatting on them is inconsistent
{time:01:10}BosscastOne - {everyone} {spell:246287}
Will show a Spell Reminder with an icon(evangelism) to all players with the weakaura.
{time:01:10}BosscastOne - Melee {spell:246287}
Will show the Text Reminder to all melee specs with the weakaura, showing the text “Get out of fire”.
Other notes
If you are writing the timers yourself without the Viserio Spreadsheets. The Reminders require the use of double spaces between each assignments, also at the end of the row.
name {spell:246287}(doublespace here)
nameTwo {spell:246287}(doublespace here)
Each person must have
- This Weakaura
- Method Raid Tools
- Names must be spelled correctly
Shamans/Paladins/Druids need to have following libraries for "Melee","Ranged" tags to work:
- LibClassicInspector
- LibDetours-1.0.
You can get the libraries as part of TacoTip addon by kebabstorm.
If you have issues, first check the FAQ on the Viserio Discord.