Loatheb Consumes Best Version

Loatheb Consumes Best Version


This WA works based off when the Inevitable Dooms land on the player rather than a static set of time. I created this WA because all the others that I could find use a static amount of time. What I've noticed in using ones with static times is that people in the raid were going into combat at slightly different times which made everyone be a few secs off from each other. Essentially an Inevitable Doom would land on a player and other WAs might say they should have already used the next GSPP but the Inevitable Doom had not done any damage yet.

This WA here will allow for precise timing for consumable usage. It works as follows:

The first part of the WA will not activate until you actually have the first Inevitable Doom land on your character. This starts a timer for when you need to use your consumable or do nothing.

Next a large glowing icon appears indicating the consumable you need to use along with a timer for about how long it will be until the next Inevitable Doom is cast.

From there it's just cycle through every time an Inevitable Doom lands on your character you will be prompted to prepare and then use a consumable or do nothing.