Loatheb Heal Track & Announce

Loatheb Heal Track & Announce


This includes an announcement sound and text to make it 100% obvious who's turn it is to heal next!

Can be used with a manual order or alphabetical. If using manual, add all the healers that could ever be in the raid (useful for guilds with a solid roster). If a player is ever missing, they're automatically not show during the boss fight. Ensure if you ever make changes to the order, to push out this WA to all the healers again, so everyone has the same healer sequence.

For Pugs or changeable raids, it's recommended to use Alphabetical. It's important you add any meme specs to the blacklist, located under Actions >> Custom Code.

Finally, always have "Whisper next healer in line" if you want to get the "My turn to Heal" announcements.

This WA is based on the original WA by Hildigunnur and later edited by Justbob. All credit goes to those guys!