Lost's Auto PI (Power Infusion)

Lost's Auto PI (Power Infusion)


Dragonflight Auto PI (Power Infusion)

Geared towards Shadow Priests giving them a QoL by not having to update a macro constantly, always have a player on focus, or mouseover a player to use their own PI.


  1. [Required] Enable key down for action buttons "/console ActionButtonUseKeyDown 1" in-game and hit enter. You may have to /reload.

  2. [Required] Set up a macro for your PI:

    [Highly Recommended] Cast on key down macro:
    #showtooltip Power Infusion
    /click AutoPI leftbutton 1
    ---------- Or ----------
    Regular macro:
    #showtooltip Power Infusion
    /click AutoPI

  3. [Optional] In the Custom Options tab, you can add Priority targets.

  4. [Optional] In the Custom Options tab, you can select if you want to announce your PI target.

Priority List

Highest to lowest priority:

- Warlock - Demonology 
- Death Knight - Unholy 
- Warlock - Affliction 
- Evoker - Devastation 
- Hunter - Marksmanship 
- Shaman - Enhancement 
- Hunter - Beast Mastery 
- Warlock - Destruction 
- Mage - Fire 
- Shaman - Elemental 
- Paladin - Retribution 
- Warrior - Arms 
- Druid - Balance 
- Death Knight - Frost 
- Demon Hunter - Havoc 
- Druid - Feral 
- Druid - Guardian 
- Mage - Frost 
- Paladin - Protection  
- Mage - Arcane 
- Rogue - Assassination 
- Monk - Windwalker 
- Warrior - Fury 
- Demon Hunter - Vengeance 
- Warrior - Protection 
- Death Knight - Blood 
- Rogue - Subtlety 
- Monk - Brewmaster 
- Augmentation - Evoker 
- Rogue - Outlaw 
- Hunter - Survival 

This is based off Bloodmallet data. I know Bloodmallet for Spriest is not great, if you have a better PI value resource, feel free to comment with it.
