Dragonflight Auto PI (Power Infusion)
Geared towards Shadow Priests giving them a QoL by not having to update a macro constantly, always have a player on focus, or mouseover a player to use their own PI.
Automatically cast's PI on a priority target when you use PI.
Displays on your UI who your PI target is.
Displays in chat who your PI target is.
Select where you want to announce who your PI target in Custom Options.
Usable with any priest that takes Twins of the Sun Priestess talent.
[Required] Enable key down for action buttons "/console ActionButtonUseKeyDown 1" in-game and hit enter. You may have to /reload.
[Required] Set up a macro for your PI:
[Highly Recommended] Cast on key down macro:
#showtooltip Power Infusion
/click AutoPI leftbutton 1---------- Or ----------
Regular macro:
#showtooltip Power Infusion
/click AutoPI[Optional] In the Custom Options tab, you can add Priority targets.
[Optional] In the Custom Options tab, you can select if you want to announce your PI target.
Priority List
Highest to lowest priority:
- Warlock - Demonology
- Death Knight - Unholy
- Warlock - Affliction
- Evoker - Devastation
- Hunter - Marksmanship
- Shaman - Enhancement
- Hunter - Beast Mastery
- Warlock - Destruction
- Mage - Fire
- Shaman - Elemental
- Paladin - Retribution
- Warrior - Arms
- Druid - Balance
- Death Knight - Frost
- Demon Hunter - Havoc
- Druid - Feral
- Druid - Guardian
- Mage - Frost
- Paladin - Protection
- Mage - Arcane
- Rogue - Assassination
- Monk - Windwalker
- Warrior - Fury
- Demon Hunter - Vengeance
- Warrior - Protection
- Death Knight - Blood
- Rogue - Subtlety
- Monk - Brewmaster
- Augmentation - Evoker
- Rogue - Outlaw
- Hunter - Survival
This is based off Bloodmallet data. I know Bloodmallet for Spriest is not great, if you have a better PI value resource, feel free to comment with it.