Lunar Festival elders/coins

Lunar Festival elders/coins


Shows a list of all lunar festival elders and marks them green once their coin has been collected (or hides it if that option is ticked).

Shows a description of how to get to each elder once you're in the zone.

Adds TomTom waypoints for each uncollected coin (if the option is ticked). Deletes waypoints as coins get collected.

Works retroactively.


  • Hide collected coins (default: on).

  • Show elders only on the selected continent, or all (default: Northrend).

  • Add TomTom waypoints for unvisited elders (default: on).

  • Automatically accept/complete coins (default: off).

  • Highlight current zone (default: on).

  • Expand current zone, i.e. show description of the elders in the current zone (default: on).

  • Automatically open Lucky Red Envelopes (default: off).

  • Sort by (default: continent and then by zone):

    • Zone.

    • Continent.

    • Completed.