Full collection of buffs that I track to combine with the CD group. Example is Fire but supports all relevant legendaries and buffs for all three specs.
This is a collection of 23 auras:
Mage Frost FoF 3rd Charge (texture)
Fire Combustion Buff (icon)
{4P} NH - Fire Mage (icon)
{2P} ToS - Fire Mage (icon)
{2P} ToS - Frost Mage (icon)
Frost Chain Reaction (icon)
Zann'esu Journey Buff (icon)
Magtheridon's Might Buff (icon)
Ring Taste of Mana (icon)
Frost Icy Veins Active (icon)
Arcane Power Active (icon)
Mage Concordance (icon)
Mage Incanters Flow Buff (icon)
Mage Time Warp Buff (icon)
Mage Rune of Power (icon)
Legion Pots (icon)
Whispers in the Dark Negative Mage (icon)
Whispers in the Dark Positive Mage (icon)
Accelerando Trinket Mage (icon)
Mage Lady Vashj Gloves (icon)
Sephuz READY (icon)
Sephuz ICD (icon)
Sephuz UP! (icon)