Scorch trigger: missing Improved Scorch or Shadow Mastery
Living Bomb: trigger: missing LB on target
Pyro (sound "sonar" when we can cast) trigger: we have buff Hot Streak and we dont have buff from 2xt10 Pushing the Limit so we use only this to trigger 2xt10 and under of this buff we cast FB
Fireball: filler spell so we will see this icon all the time, above this icon we will see timer for buff 2xt10, on center we have %% our mana, and below is a counter mana gem. Additionally, if we have mana gem + it is not on CD + our mana is below 88% then the color of the icon will change to bright red (as a reminder to use the mana gem to restore mana)
Mirror Image and Combustion you will see this if spell its available, but when you use it is up to you, at least I don't specify it in this version