Copyright (c) 2021 Bananaman. Official Website (Check out my other Mage Auras):
Advanced polymorph indicators for mages. This advanced aura will make you a better mage, 100% guaranteed!
When you have a hostile focus target which isn't polymorphed, a spinning bunny will appear on-screen to powerfully alert you to the fact that you need to polymorph the target. The spinning is intentional and helps you focus and react quickly, even when you have tunnel vision on doing DPS too. ;-)
The bunny is colored according to the range, with red meaning out of range, white meaning perfect range, and pink meaning that you're very close to the target.
After applying the polymorph, you will instead see a small text indicator which shows the remaining time. When the polymorph is nearing expiration, the text indicator will grow. And when the polymorph is expiring, the remaining time will count down the fractions in a very visible way, to highly alert you to the fact that you must re-apply the polymorph quickly.
The timer indicator is of course also colored by range, so that you are always 100% aware of being within the correct range to re-polymorph your target.
All screenshots demonstrate the various status combinations, as described above. However, it's recommended that you simply install the aura and see the effect with your own eyes!
It's also highly recommended that you use the accompanying advanced Polymorph macro for this aura:
/focus [mod,@mouseover,harm,nodead][mod,harm,nodead][@focus,dead][@focus,noexists]
/clearfocus [@focus,noharm]
/stopmacro [@focus,noexists][@focus,dead]
/run SetRaidTarget("focus", 5)
/cast [@focus] Polymorph
/stopmacro [nogroup]
/p {moon} Sheep: "%f"
Save this as a macro and use it instead of the regular Polymorph spell. It is way better, and properly handles all situations. First, it focuses your current target, but only if you don't already have a living focus target. Alternatively, if you hold down any modifier key (meaning one of Shift/Ctrl/Alt), it will try to focus your mouseover target, or otherwise your current target (useful for switching your focus to another target).
Next, it will mark your focused target with the Moon icon, which is the universal indicator used by players for "polymorphed targets", to help others in your group realize that they shouldn't hit the sheep.
After that, it casts polymorph on your focus target. This means that you can be DPSing the boss (for example), and just simply press this macro to quickly re-sheep your separate focus target, effortlessly, without having to manually target the sheep at all.
Lastly, it announces to the group (if you are in one), that you have sheeped the target, and tells them the name of the target. This further helps the group realize that there's a sheeped target which they should avoid damaging.
Of course, we all know that someone in the group will still break the sheep, but hey, we can try, right? ;-)
Here are the individual aura status indicator descriptions:
- "Focus Needs Polymorph" Indicator:
Checks if your current focus is attackable and needs to be polymorphed. Colors the indicator based on range (red = out of range, white = perfect range, pink = you're very close to the focused unit).
- "Focus Polymorph Time Remaining" Indicator:
Shows remaining polymorph time, if your focus is polymorphed and attackable. The text is colored based on range to re-apply the polymorph (red = out of range, white = perfect range, pink = you're very close to the focused unit).