MAGE PROCS (MoP Version)

MAGE PROCS (MoP Version)


recreated mage procs from MoP and Cata, used screen grid to reproduce exact coordinates sized and opacity for 1920x1080 res. for this WA i used texture files from this Tacapuc chad


1) download ( cant create hyperlink to this so just copypaste manually)

2) unzip it into default addons folder. for example World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons.

3) install WA

differences between MoP and Cata versions:

- - FoF on the sides, counts number of current procs

- - FFB on top

- - MoP mage procs are much more compactly placed and are closer to the center of character than Cata, except for fire spec but its 'made by blizzard' so i just recreated these coordinates and sizes by using grid

Cata version can be downloaded from here