Mage Reminders

Mage Reminders


Displays icons to remind you when you need to:

- Put on a Mage/Ice/Molten Armor

- Give Arcane Intellect to someone in your group

- Conjure a new Mana Gem

- Give someone Focus Magic

- Eat Buff Food/Feast

- Use a Flask

- Ask for an external class buff (Kings, Fortitude, MotW, etc.)

Armor reminder will show any time you are outside of a city and do not have an armor buff on. Will also show out of combat if your armor has less than 5 min remaining.

AI reminder will show if you are out of combat in a group and a mana using class within range of you is missing or has less than 5 min left on Arcane Intellect.

Mana Gem reminder will show if you are out of combat and have less than 2 mana gem charges. You can change this to less than 3 by updating the "item count" in trigger 1 of this aura.

Focus Magic reminder will show if you are in an instance and nobody has your FM buff.

Food reminder will show if you are out of combat in a WotLK Raid and you are missing or have less than 5 minutes left on your food buff.

Flask reminder will show if you are out of combat in a WotLK Raid and you are missing or have less than 5 minutes left on your flask buff.

External Class Buff reminders will show out of combat in a WotLK raid if you are missing or have less than 5 min left on Kings, Wisdom, Fortitude, Divine Spirit, Mark of the Wild*, and Focus Magic**.

*This aura assumes that you will use consumables in place of missing class buffs. Meaning:

- If you don't have a druid in your group, the aura will still expect you to use Drums of the Wild.

- If you don't have a priest, it will expect you to use Runescroll/Scroll of Fortitude.

- If you don't have a priest OR affliction warlock, it will expect you to use a Scroll of Spirit.

- If you don't have a paladin, it will expect you to use Drums of Forgotten Kings.

- If you only have one paladin, it will expect you to use Drums of Forgotten Kings and receive Wisdom from the lone paladin.

**Focus Magic Self reminder will show if there is another Mage in the group and you are missing or have less than 5 min left on the Focus Magic Buff. If you aren't supposed to get an FM buff, then delete or disable the "FM Reminder Self" aura (and send your raid leader an angry DM).

Known Issues that I can't think of a good solution for:

- Wisdom reminder will still show even if you have a shaman dropping Mana Spring

- Divine Spirit reminder will not show if you have an affliction warlock and a disc priest (priest spirit is better)