Current Version: 1.0.1
Update: 10.10.2018
Changed the Icon of Haste Buff Food
This Weakaura is to show you the needed Materials to Craft some Food, Flask, Pots or Enchantments.
It designed as a Clickable Menu.
To open the Menu just hit: F10
You can change the Keybind to your liking. Just go into the Display Tab of the "MTSC - Core" Aura and Expand the Text. There you will see the current Keybind and you can change it.
Dont forget to reload after you changed it, or it wont work.
Made by Mamo-EU-Frostwolf
Battletag: Mamo#2560
Created on: 08.10.2018
If you found a Bug or you have any Suggestions just add me on or Comment here!
MTSC - Core (icon)
MTSC - Trigger (icon)
MTSC - Background (texture)
MTSC - Title (text)
MTSC - Close (texture)
MTSC - Cooking (icon)
MTSC - Cooking - Back (icon)
MTSC - Cooking - Crit (icon)
MTSC - Cooking - Mastery (icon)
MTSC - Cooking - Versatility (icon)
MTSC - Cooking - Haste (icon)
MTSC - Cooking - Small Feast (icon)
MTSC - Cooking - Big Feast (icon)
MTSC - Alchemy (icon)
MTSC - Alchemy - Back (icon)
MTSC - Alchemy - Flask (icon)
MTSC - Alchemy - Flask - Back (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Flask - Fathoms (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Flask - Currents (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Flask - Undertow (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Flask - Vast Horizon (icon)
MTSC - Alchemy - Pots (icon)
MTSC - Alchemy - Pots - Back (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Agility (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Intellect (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Stamina (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Strength (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Burstig Blood (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Rising Death (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Steelskin (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Replenishment (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Health (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Mana (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Rejuvenation (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Invisible (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Lightfoot (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Concealment (icon)
MTSC - Alechemy - Pot - Sea Mist (icon)
MTSC - Enchanting (icon)
MTSC - Enchanting - Back (icon)
MTSC - Enchanting - Small Ring (icon)
MTSC - Enchanting - Big Ring (icon)
MTSC - Enchanting - Small Weapn (icon)
MTSC - Enchanting - Big Weapon (icon)