Reminds you to take a mana potion or consumable whenever your mana drops below 75%. Only displays icon if it is off cooldown and in your inventory. Nethergon Energy only displays if you are in Tempest Keep dungeons or raid.
Supports the following mana consumables:
Runic Mana Injector
Runic Mana Potion
Icy Mana Potion
Endless Mana Potion
Argent Mana Potion
Mana Potion Injector
Fel Mana Potion
Nethergon Energy
Unstable Mana Potion
Super Mana Potion
Major Mana Potion
Superior Mana Potion
Greater Mana Potion
Mana Potion
Lesser Mana Potion
Minor Mana Potion
Crystal Mana Potion
Mad Alchemist's
Auchenai Mana Potion
Major Dreamless Sleep
Combat Mana Potion
Major Combat Mana Potion
Dark Rune
Demonic Rune
Mana Sapphire
Mana Emerald
Mana Ruby
Mana Citrine
Mana Jade
Mana Agate