MangoAuras - Shadowlands Beta Brewmaster Monk Group

MangoAuras - Shadowlands Beta Brewmaster Monk Group


This is only for Brewmaster Monk. The number above Blackout Kick shows the current amount of Elusive Brawler. The bar at the bottom shows time left on Shuffle.

The Stagger bar is used from Luxthos' Monk suite for the time being while I work on my own. All credit to Luxthos for that.

From Luxthos' stagger bar description:

  • Left text: show percentage of damage that goes into stagger, adjusted to current target
  • Middle text: shows damage taken from stagger per second
  • Right text: Damage in stagger % of maxhealth

I do not have the Kyrian covenant abilities added in this yet, because I haven't been able to test them currently. I'll add them at some point in the future.