Shows indicators to dodge Mueh'zala's "Master of death" spell in the dungeon "De Other Side".
The shown symbol indicates which side is save.
If your in-game language is not set to English, you will have to adjust the triggers of the WeakAura.
To do so, type /wa in-game and follow these steps:
1. expand the "Master of death dodge-pattern" WeakAura-group
2. select RightSideSave and up top you select Trigger, to adjust said triggers
3. change the Message from "So small, so weak!" to what Mueh'zala is saying during combat in your games respective language
4. repeat (2.) and (3.) for the "LeftSideSave" and "BackSideSave" WeakAura's in the "Master of death dodge-pattern" Weakaura-group