This WA tracks the amount of each mat in your bags and how much it is worth according to TSM. You need TSM for this WA to work. Currently all the mats for Classic, BC, WotLK, Cata, MoP, Draenor, Legion, and BFA are in this.
There is now a "S" button that will bring up a menu to allow users to select what they want to see. options are expansions or Mat type. The WA has the ability to filter by expansion and Mat type. You can also select between TSM minbuyout and market value. There is an option for you to select "session" which will count just the items after you select the "check to start new session".
Please provide feed back so I can make it more usable to all.
if you the WA is running off the screen or into your chat, you can change the view of it by going into WA clicking on Mats WA, group tab and change "Grow dropdown" to Grid and change Column Height to be whatever works for you.
Meat label stays active all the time. fixed in 1.4.2-19
Reduced memory usage 2.0.2
values are not showing on load, need to open and close WA. 2.0.6
Filtering all, the Darkmoon fish stays - will assign that to classic tag 3.0.3
memory bleed because of the gold counting on hide. changed to on trigger 3.0.3
Add in Classic mats 3.0.5
star moss is not staying up. 3.0.5
Add in the ability for the user to select the TSM value 3.0.6
options save when logged off 3.0.6
items are one behind from what is in your bags. you have 3 fish, it shows 2. 3.1.0
On selecting items in dropdown the listing does not fresh, need to open and close WA for it to reset. 3.1.0
allow user to select session or in bags 3.1.0
Known issues:
Gold Total does not filter with selects for expansion or mat type (shows total in bags always), it does reflect the correct gold total on sessions.
icons are not showing up on load. to get them to show, move an item in your bags.
Future plans:
Have a all on or all off option