Maxima Raid Status and Buffs

Maxima Raid Status and Buffs


Maxima Raid Status and Buffs

Track your groups health, mana, and buffs. In this simple RABuffs analogue in WeakAuras.

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Features and usage

Default Setup

  1. Mana buckets of group (heatmap)
  2. Health
  3. Mana% of healers [specs detected through buffs gained/given]
  4. MotW if druid in group: every class, hunter and wlock pets
  5. Fortitude if priest in group: every class, hunter and wlock pets
  6. Spirit if priest in group and at least 1 buff: Priests, Druids, Mages
  7. Shadow protection if priest in group and at least 1 buff: on every class
  8. Thorns with druid in group: every tank spec
  9. All paladin blessings: Every class, hunter and wlock pets
  10. Guardian Elixirs/Flask: every player unit
  11. Battle Elixirs/Flask: every player unit
  12. Food buff: every player unit

In default setup buffs are auto-hidden when full.

To add further buffs just add entries in RaidBuffStatus > Custom Options.

Each buff bar is hoverable for more details in a tooltip and intractable to report status to raid/party/chat frame.

Each bar can be filtered by classes, as we would not care about AI on non-mana users or Blessing of Might on non-physical classes.

Buff bars can track any amount of buffs by SpellName and/or SpellID. They should be mutually exclusive (ex: Juju Power + Elixir of Giants). For example in base set-up MotW and GotW are tracked in same bar. If you mix buffs that are not mutually exclusive (ex: MOTW + FORT), it will count as found if any is met, and there is no guarantee of logical results, since count is removed if any is lost.

You can disable any bar under custom options.

Tooltips can be somewhat configured in custom options.

Potential improvements

  1. Potential suggestions in comments below.